““The Lord is my Shepherd!” Psalms 23
Our Mission
About Children of the Shepherd
Children of the Shepherd is a non-profit organization established in 1987. Its mission is to bring faith, hope and love in tangible ways to our community.
Hollywood is a very diverse community. When you think of Hollywood you think of movie stars and fame but Hollywood is so much more. Hollywood is a community, or rather many communities clashing together. Just west of our location is West Hollywood where the LGBTQ community thrives. To the East the Hispanic Community, peoples from Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia and other Central and South American nations fill the streets with life. Around our location is a wealth of Russian and Armenian .immigrants. So many other people from around the world make up the community we call Hollywood. And then we have the people of the streets; the homeless, the hungry, the runaway and throwaway people who live on the streets .
Although they are all so different in so many ways, In many ways they are also alike: so many are poor; poor in money but also poor in heart and spirit, perhaps at the point of giving up. So many are hungry: no or little food and tough choices made each month; eat or pay the rent, the gas or their meds needed, but also hungry in spirit, hungry for meaning and life and a reason to go on, and hungry for a loving community in this fearful world in the middle of the big city. That’s were we come in.
Children of the Shepherd provides groceries to about 150 families a month, to feed their hunger.
Children of the Shepherd provides worship. As a Christian organization we bring people, all people together to share their lives and their faith or to learn and grow in their faith. Yes, all are welcome. Why? Because we are all Children of the Shepherd!